About: ExecuCare Team
Posts by ExecuCare Team:
- Stopping “Cold Turkey” with Amino-Acid Based IV Drip Detox with Minimal Withdrawal Symptoms (November 5, 2012 - NTR)
- How to Get Addict Into Treatment with an Intervention (October 23, 2012 - For the Family)
- New Prescription Drug Detox Option in Georgia (October 21, 2012 - Prescription Drugs)
- Detox from Methadone with Neurotransmitter Restoration (NTR) treatment (October 14, 2012 - Drugs)
- The Dangers of Treating Addiction with Methadone and Suboxone (September 27, 2012 - Prescription Drugs)
- Anonymous – 38-Year-Old Male (July 6, 2012 - Sucess Stories)