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How to Have a Sober Halloween in New Orleans

Can you have a sober Halloween in New Orleans? The answer is yes! Halloween has grown into a holiday that is more than just kids trick-or-treating door-to-door. It has become a holiday for adults often with elaborate parties that involve alcohol and/or drug use. But it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of ways to celebrate a sober Halloween while in recovery.Sober Halloween in New Orleans

Here are some local events in New Orleans this Halloween: Read more

Breast Cancer Risk, Alcohol and NAD Therapy

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s a great time to talk about breast cancer risk, alcohol and NAD therapy. It’s important to remind our readers that there is a strong correlation between drinking and increasing one’s risk of breast cancer. Hundreds of thousands of women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year and the numbers are increasing. It’s important for women to know that there are behaviors that can reduce their risk as well as others that increase their risk, one being drinking. Breast Cancer Risk, Alcohol, and NAD Therapy

Research is consistently showing that all alcoholic beverages (beer, liquor, and even wine) increase a woman’s risk of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. This is because alcohol can increase the levels of estrogen and other hormones associated with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. Alcohol might also increase risk because it damages DNA in cells which can contribute to the development of cancer.

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Substance Abuse: Warning Signs Every New Orleans Parent Should Know

Families are gearing up for another school year and every New Orleans parent should know of these substance abuseneworleansparent warning signs. Whether your teen or young adult is headed to Lusher, Jesuit, Tulane or Loyola, etc., pay close attention to warning signs your high schooler or college student might be displaying. Those who are most at risk tend to demonstrate the following red flags:
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Recognize Any of these Easy to Miss Signs of a Drinking Problem?

What defines a drinking problem isn’t always clear cut and often depends on the individual. We live in a drinking culture. drinkingproblemSocial events, after work happy hours and client dinners, and sporting events are all places where the lines of what is acceptable alcohol consumption are often blurred. Casual drinking can sometimes turn into alcohol abuse without someone even realizing it. Some of the signs of a drinking problem can be subtle and easy to miss. See if you recognize any of them:
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Why It’s Important to Avoid Alcohol While Trying to Conceive

This week is National Alcohol and Drug-related Birth Defects Awareness Week and an important time to talk about why women should avoid alcohol while trying to conceive. While the majority of women already know the dangers Avoid alcohol while trying to conceiveof consuming alcohol while pregnant, many forget that early on, before you even know you are pregnant, your body is still vulnerable to the effects of alcohol.

The CDC now recommends that if you are planning to become pregnant to avoid consuming alcohol. By the time you find out you are pregnant it could be anywhere from 2-6 weeks along, and significant damage could have already occurred by this time.

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Signs You Need to Cut Back on Alcohol

Do you ever think that you might need to cut back on alcohol even if you aren’t an alcoholic?cut back on alcohol

Some people find that they drink more than they’d like to, but don’t feel they can be defined by the label: alcoholic. They find their relationship to alcohol to be tricky and challenging, but are worried about reaching out for help because it doesn’t seem like an all or nothing situation. Here are some signs to look for that might signal you should consider reevaluating your relationship to alcohol:
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Advanced Recovery Center
1100 Poydras Street, Suite 2900
New Orleans, LA 70163
Main: 770.817.0711
Fax: 770.817.0640