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Chem-Sex Parties and Breaking Bad: A New Public Health Warning

breaking bad crystal methHow are Chem-Sex Parties and Breaking Bad, the hit American TV drama related? Crystal meth is one of the key ingredients to the current rage of drug-fueled, gay sex parties, known as “Chem-sex Parties,” which are triggering health concerns in the UK. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) said the “chem-sex parties” have emerged with gay men injecting illicit, synthetic drugs before engaging in “risky sexual practices,” primarily in London. The parties can last from eight hours to three days. (The Huffington Post)

Chem-Sex Parties and Breaking Bad crystal meth are particularly a concern since the problem of crystal meth has been pretty non-existent in the UK thus far, compared to the U.S., where it has had devastating effects on cities. And it’s not just crystal meth. Participants of these parties are taking a range of highly-addictive drugs, injecting cathinones, a family of synthetic chemicals that imitate the effects of speed and ecstasy, Viagra, cocaine, mephedrone (which has recently been banned in Britain and across Europe after being marketed as a legal high), crystal meth and other forms of methamphetamine stimulants. The rise in injecting the cocktails is alarming officials and making the issue a public health priority. (The Guardian)

In a practice known as “slamming” party participants will combine the drugs to boost their sexual experience, often in the form of sexual orgies in which men will have sex without a condom and with multiple partners. Experts say that the rise of injecting cathinones, Chem-Sex Parties and Breaking Bad crystal meth are an indication of how Europe’s drug problem is becoming more complex, creating new public health concerns and challenges in regards to recognizing the problems, controlling them and treatment.

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