It can be difficult to get an addict into treatment. In the past people believed that an addict or alcoholic had to hit rock bottom before he or she would accept treatment for their addiction. However, it is possible to make a significant impact and to get an addict into treatment by having an intervention. Interventions are said to “raise people’s rock bottom”.
Typically, an intervention is planned out and practiced beforehand with a group of friends, family and co-workers who lovingly confront the individual about his or her destructive behavior. The goal of the intervention is to get the addict into treatment directly afterwards. This process is best handled with the help of a trained interventionist.
Interventionist Helps Get an Addict Into Treatment
The interventionist will help the participants discuss their feelings and plan what to say to their loved one. Each friend, family member or employer will be coached to gently tell the person how their behavior has personally affected them. They are encouraged to give specific instances whenever possible. Often, there is some sort of an ultimatum worked out that requests that the addict agree to go immediately into treatment or face some consequences.
Don’t Have to Hit Rock Bottom
The old method of hitting rock bottom is basically achieved by these emotional pleas to the addict to stop using drugs and alcohol. When the addict hears the people that he or she loves and cares about speak their truth, he or she is often willing to go to treatment. This is especially true if there are consequences to their relationship if they do not go into treatment. If however, the addict does not go into treatment, and the intervention fails, the friends and family must follow through with their stated consequences. This might include lack of contact or being cut off from certain funds or employment options. The family members are strongly encouraged to go to Al Anon to deal with their own feelings and behaviors.