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Substance Abuse Red Flags: Signs A HealthCare Professional is Abusing Drugs

Substance abuse among healthcare professionals is currently a major concern. There are a few substance abuse red flags to keep an eye out for among healthcare professionals who may be abusing drugs. There are a few substance abuse red flags to keep an eye out for among healthcare professionals who may be abusing drugs. Substance abuse among healthcare professionals is currently a major concern. Studies estimate that more than 100,000 healthcare workers struggle with substance abuse, often times right under the noses of their coworkers. If you are a healthcare worker be on the lookout for these common signs that a coworker might be abusing drugs. Read more

ExecuCare’s Dr. Jacquie Damgaard Discusses NTR Brain Restoration on The Micheal Hilton Radio Show!

It's a “fascinating, amazing breakthrough program in addiction detox,” Dr. Damgaard said of NTR Brain Restoration. "We have learned a lot about what it takes to actually rebalance the brain.”On June 24th, ExecuCare’s Dr. Jacquie Damgaard discussed “NTR Brain Restoration: Breakthrough in Long-Term Recovery” on  The Micheal Hilton Health and Recovery Radio Show. It’s a “fascinating, amazing breakthrough program in addiction detox,” Dr. Damgaard said of NTR Brain Restoration. “It’s remarkable when you witness someone going through the program. There’s nothing subtle about it.” Read more

Binge Drinking: How to Keep Your Teen Safe this 4th of July

4th of July weekend brings an increase in underage and binge drinking. It can be a dangerous time for teens and young adults. Here's how parents can help.4th of July weekend can be a dangerous time for teens and young adults, not only does the amount of underage drinking increase but so does binge drinking (consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time). SAMSHA estimates that hospital ER visits during this holiday weekend double due to underage and binge drinking (87% higher than any other day in July).

It’s important that our teens and young adults who might be hitting the beach this weekend with friends or other parties, that drinking, especially binge drinking, is not a harmless right of passage. There are serious consequences to these actions that can result in harming oneself, someone else, even death. Read more

Drug Abuse Facts: Surprising Truths about Opiate Use

Here are some drug abuse facts that you should be aware of if you are considering taking or currently taking prescription opiate painkillers.In April the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hosted the National Rx Drug Abuse Summit and revealed some surprising drug abuse facts, particularly about painkillers. Did you know that prescription opiate overdose deaths have quintupled since 1980? And that for every death related to prescription painkillers, there are 115 people addicted to painkillers and 4.35 million dollars in health care costs? And yet these dangerous drugs are being used at alarming rates.

Here are some drug abuse facts that you should be aware of if you are considering taking or currently taking prescription opiate painkillers: Read more

Prevent Relapse: Men in Recovery

How can men in recovery prevent relapse? In honor of Father’s Day, I thought I’d discuss what some of the pitfalls are for men that put their recovery at risk. While these aren’t exclusively related to men in recovery or the only reasons why men relapse, these do seem to be the most common reasons.How can men in recovery prevent relapse? In honor of Father’s Day, I thought I’d discuss what some of the pitfalls are for men that put their recovery at risk. While these aren’t exclusively related to men in recovery or the only reasons why men relapse, these do seem to be the most common reasons.

1. They won’t give up the past. In order to prevent relapse, you have to give up the people, places and things of your past, especially those associated with your active addiction. This means finding new places to hangout, new things to do with your time, and new people to do them with. Some friends are willing to spend time doing things that don’t involve alcohol or drugs, but most of the time drinking or using buddies have to be avoided. In fact it’s best to avoid situations that involve any alcohol or drugs until you are well into recovery. Read more

Chem-Sex Parties and Breaking Bad: A New Public Health Warning

breaking bad crystal methHow are Chem-Sex Parties and Breaking Bad, the hit American TV drama related? Crystal meth is one of the key ingredients to the current rage of drug-fueled, gay sex parties, known as “Chem-sex Parties,” which are triggering health concerns in the UK. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) said the “chem-sex parties” have emerged with gay men injecting illicit, synthetic drugs before engaging in “risky sexual practices,” primarily in London. The parties can last from eight hours to three days. (The Huffington Post) Read more

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Advanced Recovery Center
1100 Poydras Street, Suite 2900
New Orleans, LA 70163
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