Take the First Step: (770) 817-0711


How to Have a Sober Halloween

There are plenty of ways to celebrate a sober Halloween while in recovery.Can you have a sober Halloween? The answer is yes! Halloween has grown into a holiday that is more than just kids trick-or-treating door-to-door. It has become a holiday for adults often with elaborate parties that involve alcohol and/or drug use. But it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of ways to celebrate a sober Halloween while in recovery.

Here are some local events in Atlanta this Halloween: Read more

Winner of Best Life Coach 2014!

Cutting-edge Treatment Protocol Wins Award for 2014 Best Life Coach

Best Life Coach 2014 for innovative protocol that is having amazing results in freeing clients from the chains of addiction, chronic stress/burnout, PTSD and chronic pain.Congratulations to ExecuCare’s Executive Director, Dr. Jacquie Damgaard! Thanks to the votes of our dedicated clientele, colleagues, friends and Facebook fans, Dr. Damgaard has won in the category of Best Life Coach for Best Self Atlanta magazine’s “Best of 2014” ContestDr. Damgaard’s innovative coaching program in combination with our unique NTR Brain Restoration is having amazing results in freeing clients from the chains of addiction, chronic stress/burnout, PTSD and chronic pain. Read more

Breast Cancer and Drinking

The risk of breast cancer and drinking? If you're worried your alcohol consumption may increase your risk, contact one of our specialists to help you get control of the situation. The risk of breast cancer and drinking? October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and every year we like to remind our readers that there is a strong correlation between drinking and increasing one’s risk of breast cancer. Hundreds of thousands of women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year and the numbers are increasing each year. It’s important for women to know that there are behaviors that can reduce her risk as well as others that increase her risk, one being drinking. Read more

Health Problems Caused by Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Are certain health problems caused by drinking too much alcohol? Could you go sober for a month? We have specialist to help you get it under control.Are certain health problems caused by drinking too much alcohol? Despite  a number of recent studies that promote alcohol as “healthy,” the line between health and harm is easily crossed. Those who drink more than 2-3 glasses of alcohol a day could suffer from some pretty serious health problems. Read more

Effects of drugs: Does Casual Pot Use Change the Brain?

What are the effects of drugs such as marijuana when only used casually? Do they really affect the brain? Yes. Learn how NTR Brain Restoration can help reverse the damage.What are the effects of drugs such as marijuana when only used casually? Do they really affect the brain? We’ve known that heavy pot use has been associated with impaired learning, memory, motivation and attention. But it’s been commonly thought casual use of pot does not result in any negative outcomes. Until now. Read more

Drug and Alcohol Facts: Why Didn’t Rehab Work?

Here are some drug and alcohol facts that explain why rehab doesn’t always work. Learn how NTR Brain Restoration can help make rehab more effective.Here is one of the drug and alcohol facts that many people don’t always want to admit: rehab doesn’t always work. Not the first time, sometimes not the second or third. And for some it takes even more tries than that. But this shouldn’t be a discouragement or deterrent from them seeking help in the first place. It’s just important to understand the reasons why rehab doesn’t always work. And why incorporating NAD therapy like NTR Brain Restoration can be crucial to addressing the whole picture.  Read more

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Advanced Recovery Center
1100 Poydras Street, Suite 2900
New Orleans, LA 70163
Main: 770.817.0711
Fax: 770.817.0640